My Spheres
Everything You need
Classic dominance meets consciousness, depth and self-awareness.
No games, no roles.
Ich bin hier für Menschen, die nicht (mehr) in die bisher dagewesene, konventionelle Form des SMs passen, sondern andere, tiefere Erfahrungen machen wollen. ​Für jene, die Schönheit wertschätzen, die eine Sehnsucht nach dem Feinen, Edlen und Besonderen spüren – und bereit sind, sich darauf einzulassen.
Ich arbeite exklusiv nur noch mit denjenigen, die sich wahrlich im Schmerz verlieren und in der Hingabe wiederfinden wollen. Die Werte hochhalten und dies auch im Gegenüber erkennen und ehren. Wo mein Herz aufgeht vor Freude und ich spüre, dass du bereit bist, diesen Weg mit mir zu gehen
Mein Raum ist offen für jene, die die Oberfläche hinter sich lassen wollen. Für Menschen, die den Banalitäten entwachsen sind und nach echter Verbindung und Tiefe suchen. Selbst wenn du anfangs noch Unsicherheiten spürst: du bist mutig und gehst dem nach, was in dir zieht.
Wenn du dich darin wiedererkennst und diese Worte spürst,
dann sei herzlich willkommen bei mir.
SM & Leadership
When every cell in your body vibrates with humility, pain, degradation... when I speak. When you cannot control what is going on. When you are at the mercy of the experiences, the emotions, the suffering and suddenly become aware of it - then my joy is at its zenith. You can experience, feel and immerse yourself in it. Every time you want to avoid it, you are put back in position and are held there. The ropes and chains you are in only underline your miserable situation. The whips highlight it. If you surrender in that moment, you fall into a lake of lust, trance, ecstasy, joy, revival and gratitude. You float, flow, blaze and absorb.
Rituals, Enactments
& Scenarios
I love to torture you in the form of scenarios and give free rein to my creativity - this may bring to light issues related to the theme that are unconsciously anchored in you. Interrogations, confessions and penances, executions, white sacrifices and much more. The catch for you, however, is that you cannot hide in your role and act something out, but that YOU are really in the middle of it - including your fear, shame, humiliation and all the pain that accumulates - be it through the embarrassing questioning, the psychological torture or the subsequent punishments. Every time you want to withdraw internally, I grab you and throw you back onto my stage. So it is not a role play, but an experience of yourself against a different background. Fun and seriousness in one.
Shadow work
Confrontation - Transformation
Honesty and insight will free you (energetically). But you need humility and devotion for that. This is the continuation of my SM and the true Via Dolorosa, because you are confronted with yourself. With your lies, conditioning, beliefs and life-long patterns... and you will carry them around with you and feel that way until you actually and profoundly want to change something/yourself. Knowing is not enough, you have to feel it... give in, let in, allow.
Learn more about
Empress Kimberly
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